Dr. Keller’s Blog
Use It or Lose It
Understanding health insurance can be very tricky and Elite Eye Care would like to help you navigate this topic. Essentially when you see your Optometrist, “eye doctor”, they may ask you for both types of insurance, vision and medical. You may think, “why is my eye...
Dr. Keller’s Dry Eye Recommendations
When Elite Eye Care promotes our motto, “See Life Better”, that does not just apply to eyeglasses and contact lenses but to eye health. Dry Eyes is a condition that can really reduce your quality of life, eye comfort, and vision. Unfortunately, there is not a magic...
Why are my Eyeglasses so expensive?
Purchasing new eyeglasses can be a fun or frustrating process. It is an investment in better quality vision and style. The lenses in each pair of eyeglasses are specially made for the patient and the frame they select. But the most common question that is asked during...
Children’s Vision Exams
Most people think that the school vision screening or the annual physical is all that children need for an “eye exam”. Those are both great options for a quick check and can often pick up major issues, but it is the subtle findings that they often miss. A...
Breaking Down A Comprehensive Eye Exam
The annual eye exam may seem like just reading some letters or looking at lights, but trust me, your eye doctor is evaluating a lot more than you realize. At every comprehensive exam, your eye doctor is trying to evaluate three major areas: 1. Refractive Error-...
“Eyes lead the body” -Nike This idea was presented in a Nike advertising campaign some time ago and perfectly describes the importance of our eyes. Just think for a moment, what is your favorite activity? What do you do for a living? Where is your favorite place to...